Yin and Yang: Exploring the Synchrony of Feminine and Masculine Energies

Human consciousness is evolving. Parents are understanding and engaging their children. They are aware that their children have unique work to do on earth. The children are independent and critical thinkers forming their own set of values that may be different from their parents. I see the world progressing towards peace as that which needs to go dissolves.

Each of us is evolving and growing. There’s no stopping it. I am learning about Yin Yang. I didn’t think too much about Yin Yang, until a person told me that we were not to talk about them. It must be against her religion and made her uncomfortable. Intrigued, I became more curious and read about Yin Yang. I can see nothing wrong with them. I will not mention Yin Yang to this person.

As an elder and grandmother, I knew of Yin, the energy of the feminine principle. Until recently, I had never considered Yang, the energy of the masculine principle, as it related to me. I only projected thoughts of yang onto my husband or my son. In a time when people are questioning their masculinity and femininity, internally and externally, I decided to contemplate Yang to see how the energies have played a role in my life.

Yang is evident when I consider direction and focus. Yang assisted me with my education, job searching, and career development. Yang is assertive, confident, focused, and proactive. The mind is engaged.

Yang embodies strength, courage, protection, logic and reasoning. Additionally, it can infuse a sense of confidence, independence, leadership in a person.

Yang and Yin have nothing to do with gender. They transcend it. Both principles arise as needed in both genders. There is a flow between Yin and Yang that finds harmony. The more Yang there is, the less Yin. there is, and vice versa. Where there is war and violence indicates there is too much Yang that there is a deficit of Yin. As Yin increases, Yang decreases. The energies are designed to synchronize in a harmonic dance.

Yang has been at play throughout my life, often without my conscious recognition. I was and am comfortable with these masculine principles energies as I embody them.

Yang frequently supported me in my day as I participated in my responsibilities that required me to take action, lead, make decisions, and exert control over what was mine to do.

On the other hand, my critical life decision-making has always been guided by my heart, utilizing the energy of the Yin. This energy represents a receptive and intuitive approach to life, emphasizing the significance of emotional intelligence and understanding.

When choosing my life partner, for instance, I followed the guidance of my heart, which brought me to a perfect match. As a mother, like many mothers, I embodied nurturing, compassion, and kindness. Yin is a beautiful, powerful, life-giving force.

However, there were also moments when I tapped into my masculine energy, being dominant, focused, assertive, and exerting control over my world. I get things done. I can be a force of nature. My yang stripes protect myself, my family, my friends, and my area of service—more examples of the flow and weaving of yin and yang energies in my lifetime.

In contrast to the yang energies, Yin empowers collaboration, creativity, and a wholistic perspective. In my work as a special educator, I drew upon the energies of the feminine principle, which include understanding, creativity, compassion, and intuition. Yin is a balancing force to the yang’s action-oriented and assertive energy. Without Yin, I would burn myself out.

The feminine principle has worked with me throughout my life, often without my awareness. Mother Earth, as does Yin, emphasizes the oneness of all beings. Yin has shown me the importance of nurturing and caring for oneself and others. Until recently, I was about the latter, caring and encouraging others. In my elder years, Yin has drawn me to self-care, filling myself with Yin to offer my energy to others.

In reflection, integrating both masculine and feminine energy principles has shaped my journey in creating a life and personality unique to me. Exploring my yang energies has allowed me to recognize the significance of my energetic passion, which moves and lights a fire in me to pursue personal and professional growth with enthusiasm.

Simultaneously, the guidance of my yin energies has enabled me to tap into emotional intelligence compassion, and fostering meaningful relationships and a wholistic approach.

The fluidity between yin and yang principles has revealed a harmonious balance, where the strengths of both energies complement and enhance one another. As I continue to embrace and embody these principles, I am grateful for the wisdom they impart and their transformative impact on my life.

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  1. This is a really thoughtful post. I like the message of reflection on our yang energy, as women. I often forget to reflect on this too. However, I grew up with karate for thirteen years and I think that gave me so much yang confidence that makes me the powerful woman I am. Interesting how they play into each other!

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